Protect Your Health with the QuantaCase™: The Anti-Radiation Phone Case

Many experts and organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), have called for stricter regulations on cell phone radiation to protect public health. The current standards for measuring safe levels of cell phone radiation, set by the FCC, are based on a measurement called the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), which measures the amount of radiation absorbed by the body.

However, some experts argue that these standards may not be sufficient to protect public health and that the goal should be to limit cell phone radiation exposure “as low as reasonably achievable” (ALARA). This principle, ALARA, is widely used in radiation protection, and it’s considered to be a principle of rationality based on the assumption that any radiation exposure entails some level of risk, no matter how small, so the ALARA principle is to reduce exposure to the lowest level reasonably achievable.

Governments of different countries have different regulations and standards for cell phone radiation, and some have stricter regulations than others. However, governments must consider the latest scientific research and evidence when creating legislation and regulations to protect public health.

Overall, governments need to create legislation that limits cell phone radiation exposure based on current science, not just on the industry’s interests, and for new technologies to be properly tested and evaluated for safety before being widely adopted.

Several studies have indeed raised concerns about the potential health risks associated with cell phone radiation. Studies such as Interphone, Hardell, CERENAT, and the U.S National Toxicology Program (NTP) have all found evidence of an increased risk of brain cancer in individuals who are frequently exposed to cell phone radiation. The NTP study, in particular, is considered one of the most comprehensive studies on the subject and concluded that male rats exposed to cell phone radiation over a two-year period had higher cancer rates.

It’s important to note that while these studies have provided evidence of potential health risks associated with cell phone radiation, more research is needed to fully understand the extent of these risks and how they may apply to human populations. Some experts argue that the current standards for measuring safe levels of cell phone radiation, set by the FCC, may not be sufficient and call for more stringent regulations.

It’s also worth noting that the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) have classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans. However, it’s important to note that more research is needed to fully understand the extent of these risks and how they may apply to human populations.

Overall, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks associated with cell phone radiation and to take steps to minimize your exposure, such as using speakerphone or a headset, sending text messages instead of making calls, and keeping your phone away from your body when it’s not in use.

QuantaCase recommends avoiding carrying the phone in a front pocket due to the proximity to sensitive organs. They recommend carrying the phone in a back pocket as the preferred option and keeping it away from the body as much as possible to minimize radiation exposure. This is because carrying the phone in a back pocket will be farther away from sensitive areas and also reduce the amount of radiation absorbed by the body. Also, distance is your best friend. Keeping the phone away from the body will decrease the amount of radiation that is absorbed by the body.

QuantaCase is a phone case that is designed to provide RFID and anti-radiation protection. The company claims that extensive research was conducted to determine the most effective method of deflecting phone radiation away from the head and body of the user without covering the antenna or increasing radiation emissions. They state that their shielding design comes from over 23 years of cell phone shielding experience and uses technologies to deflect radiation that is directed toward the user’s body, diverting the most intense radiation away from the user and will not cause the phone to increase output power. The company’s methodologies for shielding cell phone radiation are designed only to block RF radiation that your body would have absorbed, which means the radiation absorbed into your body would not help the cell tower connection or your health either. The company advises that only the front shielded part of the phone should always face the closest part of your body.

The QuantaCase™, paired with the RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm, is the ultimate solution for protecting yourself from cell phone radiation.

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  2. “Maximize your protection from cell phone radiation with the QuantaCase™ and RF Safe Score”
  3. “Stay informed and protected with the QuantaCase™ and RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm”
  4. “The QuantaCase™ and RF Safe Score (RSS): the ultimate defense against cell phone radiation”
  5. “Protect yourself and your loved ones with the QuantaCase™ and RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm”
  6. “Evaluate your cell phone’s SAR levels and protect yourself with the QuantaCase™ and RF Safe Score (RSS)”
  7. “Don’t leave your cell phone safety to chance, use the QuantaCase™ and RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm”
  8. “Be proactive about your cell phone safety with the QuantaCase™ and RF Safe Score (RSS)”
  9. “Empower yourself to make informed decisions about cell phone usage with the QuantaCase™ and RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm”
  10. “The QuantaCase™ and RF Safe Score (RSS): the ultimate combination for cell phone radiation protection”

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