Breaking Down the Risks of Cell Phone Radiation and How to Mitigate Them

The topic of cell phone radiation and its potential health risks has been a cause for concern among many individuals. The use of cell phones has become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives, making it increasingly important to understand the potential risks associated with prolonged usage. Studies such as the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) study, Interphone, Hardell, and CERENAT have all shown an increased risk of brain cancer associated with cell phone use.

The NTP study, which cost 25 million dollars, is one of the most comprehensive studies on cell phone radiation to date. The study exposed male rats to cell phone radiation over a two-year period and found statistically significant increases in cancer rates. Ron Melnick, who led the team that designed the NTP study and is now retired, stated that “The NTP tested the hypothesis that cell phone radiation could not cause health effects and that hypothesis has now been disproved…These data redefine the cell phone radiation controversy.”

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) sets guidelines for Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), which measures the amount of radiation absorbed by the body. However, these guidelines only take into account a 2mm thick skull, which is an extremely outdated assumption. This is where the RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm and the QuantaCase™ come in. The RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm takes into account the well-understood physics of microwave absorption and the thickness of the skull, which is not considered in current FCC guidelines. The algorithm calculates a point value based on the thresholds of 50%, 72.5%, and 95% of the legal limit of 1.6W/kg, with each threshold representing a .5mm, 1.0mm, and 2.0mm skull thickness, respectively. This allows for a more accurate assessment of the potential health risks associated with cell phone usage for individuals of all ages and skull thicknesses.

The QuantaCase™ is an anti-radiation phone case that incorporates world-renowned RF Safe® Radiation Shielding Technology to deflect electromagnetic radiation, including 5G frequencies, away from the body. The QuantaCase™ also has an exposed RF Safe® notch where an inexpensive Ohm meter can be used to test the conductivity of the microwave barrier between the body and the device. The QuantaCase™ also comes with a built-in card slot that provides RFID theft protection for a credit card, room key, or any RFID remote access card while the phone case is closed. Plus, it protects your phone from cracks, dings, and scratches to keep your phone looking and performing like new.

Using the RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm and the QuantaCase™ together increases the level of RFR awareness and EMF protection for individuals. It allows them to make informed decisions about their cell phone usage based on the specific SAR levels of their phone and their own unique characteristics, such as skull thickness. This is crucial for individuals who are particularly vulnerable to the effects of microwave radiation, such as children and individuals with thinner skulls.

In conclusion, the potential health risks associated with cell phone radiation are a cause for concern. Studies such as the NTP study, Interphone, Hardell, and CERENAT have shown an increased risk of brain cancer associated with cell phone use. The RF Safe Score (RSS) algorithm and the QuantaCase™ provide a comprehensive solution for reducing exposure to cell phone radiation. The RSS algorithm allows individuals to make informed decisions about cell phone usage based on the specific SAR levels of their phone and their own unique characteristics, such as skull thickness. The QuantaCase™ provides physical protection against radiation exposure when distance is not practical. Together, they increase the level of RFR awareness and EMF protection for individuals and empower them to take control of their radiation exposure and protect themselves and their loved ones from the potential health risks associated with prolonged cell phone use. It is crucial for individuals to be aware of the potential health risks associated with cell phone usage and to take steps to reduce their exposure to radiation. With these tools, individuals can take the necessary precautions to ensure their safety while still enjoying the many benefits of modern technology.

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